How Your Giving Impacts Others

$250 Donation

Gospel Care Ministries help churches know and experience how Jesus makes a difference in a broken world through abiding in his love. A one-time $250 donation pays for a case of Restore Study Guides to help train churches and leaders.

$500 Donation

One of our top priorities through story-telling is to share the extraordinary work that the Lord is doing in and through ordinary men and women. We share these powerful testimonies through our digital media platforms so that more and more churches can also be equipped and encouraged toward a culture of discipleship and care. A $500 donation will pay for video work for testimonies and training.

$1,000 Donation

We learn and grow most in community. A one-time $1,000 donation pays for a conference booth to promote GCM. Through your generous giving, we are able to attend conferences and connect with ministry leaders. We believe that what impacts your soul impacts your ministry. We strive to encourage and equip leaders so that they don’t carry the load of ministry on their own.

$1,500 Donation

We equip leaders so they don't have to bear the burdens of ministry alone. A monthly $1,500 donation builds a scholarship fund for under-resourced churches. We believe that money should never hinder ministry.

Help others flourish by giving today.