Resources for equipping and encouraging the body of Christ in life and ministry.


  • God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline

    Church discipline is a term that is fraught with problems for the church today. However from the Biblical witness it is clear that it is an essential component of a healthy, God-honoring church - a church where Christians grow and mature in grace and develop solid foundations with which they can, with the help of the Spirit, withstand the storms of life.

  • Restoration Story: Why Jesus Matters in a Broken World

    What unanswered questions do you have about your life? Some of us struggle to find meaning, others wonder about identity, and all of us want to be loved. Your story—the events and relationships that define you—will guide how you answer those questions.

    But God has a story too. His story is about sending Jesus to this broken world to mend all that is broken.

    In Restoration Story, Robert Cheong, pastor and counselor, helps readers connect their story to God’s story which will transform how they live and love.

  • Restore: Changing How We Live and Love

    What’s your story? Each of us has a unique one—a way of weaving together past experiences, relationships, and current joys and sorrows to make sense of our lives. But if we live our stories without looking to the master Storyteller, we get lost and confused. Changing deeply held patterns of living and loving happens as we find our place in God’s great story and learn to trust his love and care for us.

Ministry Articles

  • In a Complex World, Jesus Keeps Discipleship, Care, and Community Simple

    Simply saying “Jesus is the answer” doesn’t address the challenges this present evil age presents to growing as a disciple. In this article, Robert Cheong shares how Christ makes a difference in a broken world when we’re overwhelmed by life’s struggles.

  • Why We Say Care Instead of Counsel

    What’s the difference between care and counsel? In this article, Robert Cheong shares the importance of a strategic decision he made years ago to replace the word counsel with the word care. He shares the Biblical importance as well as the impact.

  • Priorities in the Essentials of Gospel Care

    How do you approach caring for others? In this article, Robert Cheong dives into four essential elements to help balance the ways we approach relationships with others.

  • The Wonders of Self-Awareness

    How well do you know yourself? In this article, Robert Cheong shares the importance of pursuing self-awareness. What purpose does self-awareness have in our lives, how to grow this skill, and what does our relationship with God have to do with the way we view ourselves and the way we respond to others?

  • How God Continues to Redeem His Bride

    As pastors navigate healthy church culture Robert Cheong encourages church leaders to shepherd their flock as a reflection of Christ. In this article, he takes the busy schedule of a pastor into account but leads readers into a deeper understanding of God’s mission and Church discipline.


  • Do You Know Your Story?

    We go to church, and hear a sermon, and know that God is great and Jesus is good—but we don’t know how that impacts our lives. We don’t see how our stories intersect. Can God really speak into my disappointment and worry? Can the Gospel really affect my marital conflict? Does Jesus really have anything to do with my hurts and hopes? Read the full blog here.

  • The Hope of Heaven Now

    If we better understand heaven, this moment of consummation when we are finally reunited with God, then it will change how we live right now. Read Robert’s reflection on the blog.

  • Are You Overwhelmed?

    Removing the batteries from the smoke alarm may silence the noise, but it won’t put out the fire. Left unchecked, doubts and worries will damage your soul. We will constantly feel tired, and wonder if God really cares. We will become uncertain and fearful. God will feel distant. But what if instead, we hand all the things that overwhelm us to God? Read the full blog here.

  • Finding Love in A Broken World

    Why is it so hard to love? Why is it so hard to be loved? Is the love we’re yearning for real, or is it merely a romantic notion that can only be found in movies or novels? Read Robert’s reflection on the blog.

Restore Series

  • Why Restore? Part 1: Grow Confident in God

    How confident are you in your God? We believe that He exists, and we know in our minds that He loves us. Yet we are still overwhelmed by life, and unsure how the Gospel makes any difference. We struggle, and the questions rise. “Why does God feel so distant? “Does God really love me?” “Does He even know what’s going on in my life?” Read the full blog here.

  • Why Restore? Part 2: Abiding in God's Love

    We are not made to live under the clouds, feeling distant from God. Jesus is the true vine. But when we are cut off from him, our source life, we’ll grow tired, weary, and shrivel up. We are meant to stay in his love. Read the full blog here.

  • Why Restore? Part 3: Strength in Spiritual Warfare

    The Enemy deceives, distracts, and discourages us. With such enemies and schemes against us, what hope do you have on your own? But you’re not alone. The powers against us look huge only when we forget the power of God that is in us and with us. Read the full blog here.

  • Why Restore? Part 4: Deepen Community

    Christianity has always been about community. God from the beginning has had communal love — all three persons of the Trinity have interacted in love and unity with each other. So when God created us, He made us to be part of communal love too. But do we really have community?