What impacts your soul impacts your ministry. 

Pastors are people too.

Every pastor experiences personal and church challenges. At a personal level, the relentless ministry demands and the impact of ongoing spiritual warfare take a toll over time. As a pastor, you are also dealing with the struggles in your life and family.

As you minister within the church, you can struggle with ongoing anxiety and insecurity when you don’t realize that you are driven by a never-ending sense of performance and responsibility. The critiques and complaints can make you weary and even cynical.

If you don’t have people around you to bear your burdens and to offer perspective, we can can come alongside you for a season to encourage and shepherd you and your wife.

A church can only be as strong and healthy as its leaders. You are not alone. We’re here to help.

Care Services

  • Sabbatical Coaching

    Ministry often takes a toll on marriages. We offer sabbatical coaching for pastors and their wives to be renewed and refreshed for a faithful and fruitful life and ministry.


  • Care Sessions

    Pastors and their wives will be encouraged and refreshed to live and love in a broken world as they lead. We offer one-on-one care sessions for pastors and pastors’ wives. In addition, we offer couple care sessions for pastors and their wives to participate together.


  • Reconciliation Intensives

    Reconciliation is needed in every ministry context, because conflict happens everywhere – within families, elder boards, church staff, or missionary teams. God knows we struggle with our relationships – first with him, and then with others. But he has not left us in our struggle. This intensive is 2.5 days minimum for churches who are seeking reconciliation within a group of church leaders or members.

    LOCATION: Church Site

  • Marriage Intensives

    Marriage Intensive is for pastors and wives who want to build oneness with God and one another or recover from a crisis, so they can flourish in marriage and ministry. A 2.5 days retreat will be hosted in Louisville, KY. These sessions will be led by Robert and Karen Cheong.

    LOCATION: Louisville, KY


  • An intensive session involves hours of discussion, reflection, and learning over the course of 2-3 days rather than individual sessions over weeks and months.

    • Marriage Intensives are for pastors and wives who want to build oneness with God and one another or recover from a crisis to flourish in marriage and ministry.

    • Reconciliation Intensives offer helpful ministry perspective from outside your church/organization. Those involved in conflict commit to pursuing peace and reconciling broken relationships. Length of the time together will depend on the number of people involved.

    • $125/hour per session (for one-on-one session for pastors to meet with Robert individually; pastors’ wives can meet with Karen one-on-one)

    • $150/hour per session (led by Robert and Karen for married couple sessions)

  • Sabbatical coaching costs $1,500 for a pastor and his wife, which includes five 1.5 hour sessions via Zoom—one session before the sabbatical and four sessions during the sabbatical.

    • 2-4 people - $1,000 for pre-work and $1,000/day for 2.5 days minimum to 3 days

    • 5-8 people - $2,000 for pre-work and $2,000/day for 2.5 days minimum to 3 days

    • 9-15 people - $3,000 for pre-work and $3,000/day for 3 days

    ***Travel and incidentals for Cheongs


  • Care Sessions Participant

    “As a church we had hit an emotional and spiritual wall from several seasons of deep hurt and loss over the years. Not dealing with this deep pain and hurt would only perpetuate and devolve future ministry The Cheongs provided a safe space where hurts could be shared, tears could be shed and the gospel of Jesus Christ could be applied. The Holy Spirit’s presence was so evident as confession was made, forgiveness extended and love displayed. By God’s grace, our church leadership turned a corner after this care intensive.”

    Johnny Pereira, Lead Pastor
    Salem Chapel, Winston-Salem, NC

  • Sabbatical Coaching Participant

    “My wife and I had a wonderful experience with Robert and Karen through our sabbatical coaching. God used that time to reveal to me areas in my life that were out of balance, while also showing my personal need for a deeper communion with Christ. Walking through their coaching together allowed us to see ways in which our ministry and our marriage connect and complement one another.”

    Josh Jean, Lead Pastor
    Sojourn Beaumont, Beaumont, TX

  • Reconciliation Intensive Participants

    “The reconciliation Robert and Karen helped us walk into renewed healing and clarity in a season where the path forward together was unclear. They provided a thoughtful, Jesus-centered, safe space for the processing and reconciling of complex topics and histories.”

    Joe & Renee Byler, Lead Pastor & Wife
    Veritas Community Church, Columbus, OH

Leaders need care and community too.